Corona But Make It Fashion


The public and fashion use of face masks has been common in China and other Asian countries for years. Since the coronavirus disease outbreak has started, millions of people around the world are using face masks to protect themselves. America is the most infected country on the planet with over 2 million cases. In America, the top five infected states are New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois and Massachusetts. The outbreak in Illinois has been terrifying. Over 6,000 have been killed in Illinois alone and 4,000 of them are from Cook County (a.k.a. Chicago where I live). There are 132,059 cases in Illinois at this moment in time and that number rises every single day. I am terrified that someone I love like my grandma could get sick because she’s at such a high risk with her weak immune system.

I have been isolated in my condo since early February and i’m attempting to hold onto my sanity. We are only 6 months into 2020 and I probably have enjoyed about 12 days altogether. I miss my daily routines, friends and family a lot. I would kill to be at the gym but I know how important it is to social distance and isolate yourself right now. I have come up with some creative solutions to entertain myself over the past few months. I made quite a few home improvements and gave myself some projects like: tearing down old wallpaper, painting a few rooms, making a home garden, working on my wine bar and hanging new decor throughout my condo. Netflix has put me in a constant state of chill. I have been binging like crazy. As the weather gets nicer here in Chicago, it’s getting a lot harder to stay inside. I make a few trips out to my fire escape to read a book or have a drink or two while enjoying some fresh air. I go for a drive or a walk when I start to go stir crazy from being inside too long.

One of my good friends Rachel started up her own mask business. She hand sews a plethora of beautiful patterned and printed fabrics into face masks. I ordered a black and white gingham mask for myself (I have to stay true to my brand and aesthetic). Wearing a cute printed mask makes wearing it in public a little more fashionable. In case you didn’t know; masks should be worn anytime you are in public or if you’re nearby people . Masks act as a physical barrier to protect you and others from the virus. Many people unknowingly infect others by not taking this seriously. Going outside without a face mask and spreading germs is so dangerous.

Practicing health safety is so important during a worldwide pandemic. It makes me so mad and disappointed to see people meeting up in large groups or having parties while possibly spreading the virus. The more recklessly people act during this pandemic, the higher the chance of spreading the virus. There’s a reason America is the #1 country with the most coronavirus cases. Here are some health tips to help you prevent the spread of corona. Stay safe out there!

#1 Wear your mask in public

#2 Wash your hands frequently

#3 Avoid touching your face

#4 Minimize contact with others in public

#5 Social distance from friends and family

#6 Cover your coughs and sneezes

#7 Clean and disinfect your phone, home surfaces, groceries and packages/mail

#8 Monitor your health and pay attention to your symptoms

#9 Change your clothes after you have been outside

#10 Stay home at all costs