Chic Chicago Chick

If you know me, you know my wardrobe is practically all black and white. I would like to think of my style as "classy with a side of sassy" and a little sprinkle of chic. No matter what the weather is or even if its after memorial day, you will still find me strutting around Chicago in black and white.

Some of my favorite staple pieces in my closet include:

#1 Levi's Sherpa Jacket 

#2 Plaid Blanket Scarf 

#3 Gingham Fringe Dress 

#4 Black Leather Jacket 

#5 Striped Sweater, T-Shirts & Blouses

#6 Black & White Eyelet Dress  

#7 White linen tops with black embroidery

#8 Adidas trefoil t-shirt

#9 Black and white shoes

#10 Plaid pants

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